A shore fishing guide service Located on ChappaquiDDiCK Island, MarthA's Vineyard

87 Litchfield RoadEdgartownMA 02539   |  +16178344722  |  peter@fishchappy.com


1/2 Day (4 hours for up to 2 anglers)-  $350

Anglers includes transportation, fishing gear, snacks and beverages  ($50 for each additional angler max 4)

Scup Adventure (2 hours) - $125

Up to a family of 4.  A great way to get your kids into fishing and smile on their faces

What you should bring
  • Polarized sunglasses
  • hat
  • raincoat
  • camera
  • water shoes or waders (if you own them)
  • flashlight/headlamp for night fishinG
  • Feel free to bring your own fishing gear if you would like